
IT Needs

Support Overview

To Report an Issue, use the link to complete the form and submit: IT Support
Live Onsite Support Direct Line: 951-827-7777
Link to Chat 24/7:
ITS Website:


SPP Technician Contact, Office Hours, and Location:
  • Technician onsite daily from 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 
  • Location: Interdisciplinary North (INTN) 4022


ITS Partner:

The Partner ensures a successful and productive working relationship between ITS and the School of Public Policy (SPP) by building trust, partnership, and collaboration. The Partner will help SPP Leadership, staff, and faculty navigate the landscape of ITS and ensure the right people are engaged to leverage technology to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Act as an advocate for departments to provide technical consultation with a business-focused perspective and clear understanding of SPP's business needs. 


Escalation Process:

If an incident is critical, escalate to Francisco Martinez, BearHelp Supervisor at, or contact Lily Barger, Director of Campus Support Services at 951-827-0152 or

For urgent outages impacting critical business services, please notify IT Support by using the SPP IT Support Teams Groups Chat.