
Leaves (Academic and Staff)

Academic Leave

The UCR Academic Sabbatical & Leave of Absence Request form can be viewed and downloaded below.


Sabbatical Leave

More information regarding what to do if you are taking a sabbatical leave can be found at From developing a sabbatical plan to completing the appropriate leave forms to requesting approval, you will be able to find the most up-to-date information on the UCR Academic Personnel website.


Other Leaves

If you are...

  • taking a leave to attend professional meetings or for University business
  • taking a sick leave
  • taking a leave to care for a family member
  • having a baby
  • adopting a child

please visit UCR's Academic Personnel Office's website for more information at



Staff Leave

Information regarding PPSM 2.210 Absence from Work for "Positions in the Professional & Support Staff, Managers & Senior Professionals, and Senior Management Group Members personnel programs" can be viewed and downloaded below.